Comprehensive Voice Analysis

VEX is a specialized program in LVA Voice Analysis technology. It will greatly assist the KRG’s Intelligence services and Armed Forces in criminal and terror detainee interrogations, investigations and border control access as well as internal vetting of KRG employees and personnel. LVA (Layered Voice Analysis) technology is a tool that allows us to analyse the emotional state of a person and reveal the truth through detection, measurement and analysis of their emotional reactions to what they say at every moment.
LVA technology was invented in Israel in 1997 and was initially used by Israeli security forces for Anti-Terror investigations with great success. Over 20 years later LVA technology has improved greatly. We have now pioneered VEX as the world’s leading LVA program.
VEX is a system for law enforcement, border control and state intelligence agencies. VEX is currently in use by state agencies in 39 countries, of which many are NATO members. The high technical thresholds demanded by these countries make VEX the perfect choice for the KRG’s Intelligence services and Armed Forces.
VEX is a tool that can be highly utilized by the KRG and be deployed in a short space of time. The initial training period that will allow the User to operate VEX is just five days with additional advanced training available on request.
VEX works in 3 Modes:
- In live face-to-face conversation: it allows us to see on our screen in real time which emotions intervene while the person speaks or answers our questions, which questions represent a risk, which answers hide information, are invented, etc.
- Real time telephone conversations: it allows us to know if what they are telling us is true without the need to have the person in front of us.
- Recorded conversations (video or audio): not having the person in front of us allows us to make an in-depth analysis and thus evaluate the answers and conduct the research in an optimal way.
Since the VEX does not analyse what the person says but the emotional reactions to what the person says, the system works in all languages. VEX is easy to use and the results are immediate: Accuracy rates range from approximately 92% to 94%.
Main Usage:
1. Interrogation
2. Credibility check
3. Border control ( airport/aerial border )
4. Narcotic and other departments special units .